Mastery You

Looking for a place to work on personal development, but you aren't sure where to start?

As a therapist-coach I've been looking for something that was more accessible and affordable for people who 1:1 sessions aren't a good fit for at the moment.

I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I'm creating it!

I'll have more details for you soon, but here's a glimpse at what you can expect:

  • Monthly mastery themes on topics created to help you grow
  • Weekly coaching calls
  • Community of growth minded members
  • Self-reflection prompts and guided tools to help you go as deep as you want on your own time/
  • Work on your own, or with the community (for introverts and extroverts)
  • And all for less than the cost of 1 therapy session/mo

I will be rolling this out soon, so join the email list to stay updated.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.